Google’s Library Project Challenged By Assoc. of American U. Presses

Google Inc.’s plan to digitize the collections of some of the world’s biggest libraries is facing stiff criticism from a group of academic publishers who complain that the project may violate copyright laws and hurt book sales.

The San Francisco Gate has the story of why academic publishers, members of the Association of American University Presses, who publish about 750 academic journals and 11,000 books annually, are peeved at the search engine’s plans to digitize books in the collections of several esteemed college libraries.

Peter Givler, Executive Director of AAUP, discounted the possibility that his group will sue Google. It would put him in the uncomfortable position of fighting against universities that are cooperating with Google’s library project and have publishing arms that are association members.

It is also this authors opinion that the publishers just don’t want to give up their portion of that sweet $125.00 (approximately) per college textbook sold.