Google Book Search: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Campus Technology Takes A Look at Google Book Search: When it comes down to it, then, this brave new world of book search probably needs to be understood as Book Search 1.0. And maybe participants should not get so hung up on quality that they obstruct the flow of an astounding amount of information. Right now, say many, the conveyor belt is running and the goal is to manage quantity, knowing that with time the rest of what’s important will follow. Certainly, there’s little doubt that in five years or so, Book Search as defined by Google will be very different. The lawsuits will have been resolved, the copyright issues sorted out, the standards settled, the technologies more broadly available, the integration more transparent.

“One thing we’ve learned,” says Clancy: “We don’t try to anticipate how people will make use of something. We’re just at beginning of the marathon.”
[Thanks to Steven]