God Tells Teachers’ Prayer Group To Clean House

Bob Cox passed along This One from Russell County, KY, on a teachers\’ prayer group that is involved in an effort to get dozens of books dealing with ghosts, cults and witchcraft reviewed for possible removal from the library at Russell County High School.

God revealed to the group that the presence of the books was one reason his \”manifested presence\” hadn\’t yet come to the school to change the hearts and minds of students, according to a letter from one member of the group.
The school has a policy under which people can complain about books. But it appears no one has used it in more than 20 years, so there is no committee in place to judge the complaints.

\”God spoke to my spirit that we must do HOUSE CLEANING!\” said the letter announcing the review request. \”As a Christian teacher in the public school, God has showed me that it is my responsibility to take a stand and lift my voice.\”