Getting the Stats on Connecticut’s Libraries

Stamford Times: The libraries are always keeping records. They know how many books go out, how many are returned and which ones are overdue. They know how many people come to their programs, and they know how many people walk through their doors.

But how many people use the public library on a single day? On Feb. 18, the state’s libraries will find out.

Next Thursday, 150 of the state’s 285 public and academic libraries will closely monitor their activities for one day. The event is called Snapshot Day.

“It’s like a slice of life,” said Linda Avellar, spokeswoman for both Stamford’s Ferguson Library and for the Connecticut Library Association’s publicity committee. “[We want to] get a sense of how heavily our libraries are used.”

Snapshot Day — a joint project of the CLA, the Connecticut State Library, and the Connecticut Library Consortium — is meant to collect specific data.