Get Those Kids Outta My Library!

From across the pond comes this opinion piece from one Helen Martin, probably one of the stuffiest people I’ve ever read. Her problem is, at heart, a simple one. Apparently, they’re letting kids come to the library. I mean, what next? Story time?

It seems to me quite unjust that well-behaved, adult library users who have already been subjected to the odious behaviour of little neds ruining their literary oasis, should now have to witness whole swathes of their library being handed over to the very people who should have been banned. “Oooh! You can’t ban them!” squeal the do-gooders. “We need to engage them and turn their energies to productive use.”

I’m guessing she probably isn’t very pro library technology either:

In this new-style library, teenagers can chill out, play computer games, learn to make movies and relax in their own dedicated area. Naturally I have no objection to any of that, except that it should take place somewhere else โ€“ perhaps a community centre or a youth club.