Geoffrey Bill Obituary

Lee Hadden writes: \”Geoffrey Bill was librarian and archivist of Lambeth Palace Library from
1958 to 1991. The most notable and successful of modern Lambeth
Librarians, he was, as he liked to recall, only the fourth to hold that
office in a century and a quarter.

He was active too in the Friends of the National Libraries and on the
Gladstone Diaries committee, and was responsible for founding the Church
of England Record Society, on whose activities he kept a benevolent eye.
His achievements were publicly recognised in 1983 by his Lambeth DLitt and
his fellowship of the Royal Historical Society, and in 1984 by his
election as a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. He was appointed OBE
in 1991.

Read more about this interesting British librarian in the December 14, 2001 issue of the Times.