Freedman Reports To The ALA

Mitch Freedman writes :\”Dear Colleagues:

Attached is the slightly revised version of my report to the Executive

Board, and by extension to the Association.

Following is a review of significant events and initiatives since
I was

informed of my election, May 3rd, 2001, as President-Elect of the

American Library Association.

Below you can read his thoughts on The Annual Meeting for 2001, The IFLA Conference, Cuba Resolution, Bob McKee and the Pay Equity Issue, Anti-terrorism Bill and much more…

Mitch Freedman writes :\”Dear Colleagues:

Attached is the slightly revised version of my report to the Executive

Board, and by extension to the Association.

Following is a review of significant events and initiatives since
I was

informed of my election, May 3rd, 2001, as President-Elect of the

American Library Association.

Below you can read his thoughts on The Annual Meeting for 2001, The IFLA Conference, Cuba Resolution, Bob McKee and the Pay Equity Issue, Anti-terrorism Bill and much more…

American Library Association.

Report to the American Library Association

President-Elect 2001-2002

Maurice J. (Mitch) Freedman, MLS, PhD

October 11, 2001

ALA Annual Meeting, Marriott Hotel, San Francisco

The Annual Meeting for 2001 is over and what went on regarding the

Employees & Restaurant Employees (HERE) boycott of the Marriott

has been widely reported.  It is over and done.  However,
I feel an

incumbency to include in this report some discussion of my actions. 

of respect for the boycott by HERE, the position of support by the

Francisco Public Library, the Mayor of San Francisco, and so many

others, all of whom requested that ALA members not enter the Marriott,

chose not to attend any ALA meetings or events held in the Marriott,

including my first official meeting as a member of the Executive

of the American Library Association.  It is critical that we
all learn

the lessons needed from the series of events surrounding the Marriott

boycott to do our best to ensure that ALA\’s membership is not confronted

with such a conflict in the future.

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

This was my first IFLA Conference as an ALA officer.  Several


Campaign for the World\’s Libraries: I was part of the ALA team that

with the IFLA Board and presented the information concerning the

proposed Campaign for the World\’s Libraries.  IFLA officially

the Campaign and now libraries around the world will be following

with @your library materials and messages adapted to suit their

needs and in the many languages spoken in those countries.

Cuba Resolution: I was very proud to have been a member of the American

Library Association because of the strong and principled stand ALA

in co-sponsoring a resolution in support of improving relations

the United States of America and Cuba\’s libraries.  The resolution

co-signed by Eliades Acosta, the director of the National Library

Cuba, who represented Cuba\’s library association.  What made
it special

from the U.S. perspective was the unflinching statement of opposition

the U.S.\’s embargo policy against Cuba and the crippling effects
it had

on Cuba\’s libraries and people.  Kudos to John W. Berry, ALA

Nancy John, Chair of the ALA International Relations Committee (IRC),

and to the IRC members and everyone else who played a role in bringing

this resolution to the IFLA Council.  The very good news was,

combined with a similar resolution, the substance of the ALA-Cuban

resolution was approved as part of a combined version of the two.

Meetings and Personalities: In addition to getting a chance to meet

and see many of the friends and colleagues I see at ALA conferences

elsewhere, I had the wonderful experience of meeting and getting
to know

librarians from around the world.  I won\’t list all of them,
but will

highlight just one.  Getting to know Kay Raseroka, newly elected

President-Elect of IFLA and director of the University of Botswana

Library gave me insights into the universality of gender and pay

issues for librarians.  Her achievements and promotion to her

involved her having to overcome the same kind of sexism that women

librarians have had to deal with for the better part of the 20th

and still affect compensation for female librarians.

Round Table of Managers of Library Associations (RTMLA): I attended

meeting so that I could establish a dialogue with other presidents-elect

regarding their plans and programs for their respective associations. 

good thought.  However, I found out that in so many associations

the President is an honorary position and that the Executive Director

the one who develops the programs, manages the association, and
is the

most active person in promoting the association programs and resolving

problems.  After much discussion, I ended up, along with Ellen

newly elected president of the Library and Information Association

South Africa (LIASA), being responsible for a RTMLA program at IFLA

(Glasgow) on library association strategic plans and programs.

Bob McKee and the Pay Equity Issue in the Library Association: I
had the

pleasure of meeting with Bob McKee, the Executive Director of the

Library Association.  The Library Association (LA) has been

intensely studying the issue of salaries and pay equity for British

librarians.  The LA has held extensive and valuable on-line

with its members on this topic.  Because the theme of my presidency

be improving the salaries and pay equity for America\’s library workers,

it was most valuable making this contact and learning about what

going on in the LA.  We will maintain a dialogue and share

information we develop because so many of the problems faced by

librarians-as with Kay Raseroka from Botswana-are the same confronting

U.S. librarians.

Campaign for America\’s Librarians: This will be the title for the

of my presidency.  Although the word librarians is used, the
task force

will focus on all library workers.  It will be a part of and

the Campaign for America\’s Libraries.  I have established the
theme for

my presidency and have appointed a task force to begin its work

developing programs and materials, including a Better Salaries and

Equity Toolkit.   The task force will liaison with the

Kranich\’s Committee On the Status of Librarians so as to ensure
that the

valuable work done by that committee will be incorporated into the

done by this task force.

On the Council listserv and other venues I have indicated what the

current goals and outcomes for the task force will be.  They

· Create a toolkit that has background, research and data
on library

salaries and pay equity

· Include in the toolkit case studies of salary and pay equity

disputes/campaigns involving different kinds of libraries and library


· Include in the toolkit frequently asked questions (FAQ\’s)

responses t stereotypical depictions of librarians that have contributed

to the disadvantageous salaries and pay equity problems

· Include in the toolkit scripts and sample dialogues and

that will help library staff, administrators, boards, deans, school

superintendents, and community officials, academic committees, etc.

better advocate for better salaries and pay equity

· Include in the toolkit a discussion of the important role
unions can

and have played in getting better salaries and pay equity

· Recommend specific actions by ALA, as warranted.

· Hold one or more programs at ALA conferences to promote
the Campaign

for America\’s Librarians

· Hold regional meetings and institutes-at minimal charges

attendees-that will help empower local library workers who may not

the resources to attend ALA conferences and to build up local support

and promote a sense of empowerment

· Work with other ALA units and state and regional organizations

promote the Campaign for America\’s Librarians

· Create a web site that will include source documents and
a variety of

information relevant to the committee\’s work, and that can be accessed

by anyone

· Create a web-based venue for people to communicate with
the task force

and with each other concerning salary and pay equity issues; the
kind of

focused discussions conducted by Bob McKee in the LA serve as an

outstanding model for this initiative

Overall the intent is to provide the resources and inspiration for

America\’s library workers so that they can feel more empowered to

better advocates for themselves and their colleagues on salary and

compensation issues.

The task force membership is pretty much complete.  It will
have its

first meeting in November.

ALA Activities: Because of the 9/11 events, my ALA Chicago Headquarters

orientation and media training lasted six days instead of three. 

course three of the days were spent trying to get a flight home

Chicago-I ended up driving home in a rental car.)  I was pleased
to have

met so many of the ALA staff, and the media training seemed to be


I also had a one-day orientation in the ALA Washington Office. 
It was a

pleasure meeting the key players who represent the Association in

Washington, and becoming apprised of the many and diverse areas
in which

they are working so hard.

Anti-terrorism Bill: I also had occasion, October 10, 2001, to fly

Washington to help lobby New York\’s senators to support the Feingold

Amendment to the Anti-terrorism bill.  Of particular importance
was the

visit with Senator Schumer\’s office because of his membership on

Senate Judiciary Committee.  That committee is currently working
on the

bill.  The ALA position is to support the Feingold Amendment.

Speeches and Selected Meetings: Included in my travels were speeches

against censorship.  I spoke, September 24th, in support of
Banned Books

Week at the Yonkers (NY) Public Library, and at a program meeting,

September 30th, of the Rockland (NY) County Coalition for Democracy

Freedom, at the New City Public Library.

October 11th, I also spoke and interacted for two and one-half hours

with about 40 members of the Chicago Public Library staff concerning

ALA, my presidency, salaries and pay equity, filters, and several

topics with approximately 40 members of the Chicago Public Library

staff.  It was a great deal of fun.  Also, after reading
so much written

by Laura Morgan on several listservs, it was a pleasure to meet

argue a little bit, and have a pleasant chat after the program.

That evening, I attended the Chicago Public Library\’s Carl Sandburg

Literary Dinner, which featured one of my favorite authors, Kurt

Vonnegut, and Chicago\’s excellent up-and-coming African-American

Jeffrey Renard Allen (Rails Under My Back.)   Incidentally,
I am proud

to say that Mr. Allen had been one of the featured authors at the

Westchester (NY) Library System\’s African-American Writers &
Readers – A

Literary Tea, 2000, held annually on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 

Allen had also indicated that Kurt Vonnegut was one of his favorite

authors, as well.  Mr. Vonnegut gave a great speech, one that
I hope

sees the light of publication soon because of his thoughts on the

on the World Trade Center and the bombing campaign in Afghanistan,

so much more.

And so it goes.


Maurice J. (Mitch) Freedman, MLS, PhD

ALA President-Elect

Director, Westchester (NY) Library System

October 17, 2001 [slightly revised version]

Originally submitted to the ALA Executive Board, October 11, 2001.



Maurice J. Freedman, MLS, PhD

ALA President Elect

Director, Westchester (NY) Library System

410 Saw Mill River Road – Suite 1000

Ardsley, NY 10502-2605

Voice: (914) 674-3600 x223; fax: (914) 674-4193

For all matters concerning the U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Librarian,

[email protected]\”