Free Digital Galleys for Librarians at NetGalley

Looking for more book content for your e-reader or mobile device? Publishers large (HarperCollins, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) and small are offering digital galleys to book reviewers and librarians through NetGalley. Registration is required, but is quick, simple, and free. Browse galleys by publisher or genre; download galleys in ePub or Kindle format.

In the past week, I’ve gotten galleys of new books by David Foster Wallace, David Vann, Günter Grass, and Linda Sue Park. Each publisher handles DRM differently, but every book I’ve requested so far has had a 60-day expiration date. Reviews aren’t required. If you do decide to do reviews, NetGalley suggests emailing publishers with a link to your reviews as a courtesy (whether you post them on your blog, to GoodReads, to a review publication, etc).

