Fort Lauderdale’s Gay Library, A Positive View

miz writes “In the current print issue of ALA’s American Libraries, I learned of this semi-old story: “Fort Lauderdale OKs Gay Library Despite Mayor’s Discomfort.” I find it interesting to see how the mayor as a public figure can go against a building facility, it is as if he’s ignoring a part of the population.

I personally applaud the mission of this library, being that it has a collection for a special percentage of the population. I don’t live in Ft. Lauderdale myself, so I can’t see this innovative library myself. I would definitely make it a future plan of mine to visit! There are strict policies to ensure that kids won’t be exposed, patrons do have to be over eighteen and sign an agreement, so I truly don’t understand the narrow minds of people.

These are other web sources that mention this particular issue:

Ft. Lauderdale Metro

News Hounds

Library Journal
Stonewall Library