Fencing with Foetry Librarian

Amanda French writes “An article in the June 3 issue of the Chronicle calls librarian Alan Cordle’s Foetry “reprehensible” and says that the site’s accusations of fixing and favoritism in poetry contests are “leveled carelessly and with no acceptable standards of proof; its methods are wrongheaded and dangerous.”

Cordle responds by pointing our that the authors of the Chronicle article (who are associated with the Virginia Quarterly Review) conclude by calling for poetry contest guidelines–as members of the Foetry community have been doing for months.

The book blog mobylives.com has also give pixels to the controversy in a guest column by the then-anonymous Cordle and a faux-noir column a clef in which a famous poet begs a gumshoe to kill “The Librarian.” The gumshoe refuses because “it would only get all the other librarians riled up.””