Extinguish the Rumors: No New Amazon Kindle This Year

Talk of a new version of the Kindle e-book reader, aimed at college students, has been echoing around the blogosphere and has even reached your dutifully vacationing Bits correspondent. I asked Craig Berman, Amazon’s chief spokesman, for comment on a possible Kindle 2.0, and today he responded.

“Don’t believe everything you read,” Mr. Berman said. “There’s a lot of rumor and speculation about the Kindle. One thing I can tell you for sure is that there will be no new version of the Kindle this year. A new version is possible sometime next year at the earliest.”

Mr. Berman declined to speculate about the new model or if it will be aimed at a particular audience — though the $5.5 billion textbook market, and all those heavy student backpacks, certainly seems like an appealing target for e-book publishers.

Blog post here.