Eugene, Oregon’s New Library: a “126,000-square-foot Christmas present.”

Getting a jump on the \”official\”
grand opening in 2003, the day after Christmas 2002, Eugene, Oregon
opens its \”126,000-square-foot
Christmas present,
\” to visitors.

The new library replaces
the \”44-year-old veteran\” that was one of the keys that coalesced my devotion
to libraries.  The old building let me see libraries as sanctuaries
and is one of the reasons that whenever I\’ve had the opportunity to travel,
checking out the local library was always near the top of my to do list. 
I\’m delighted to see strong community support for the new, expanded library.

Getting a jump on the \”official\”
grand opening in 2003, the day after Christmas 2002, Eugene, Oregon
opens its \”126,000-square-foot
Christmas present,
\” to visitors.

The new library replaces
the \”44-year-old veteran\” that was one of the keys that coalesced my devotion
to libraries.  The old building let me see libraries as sanctuaries
and is one of the reasons that whenever I\’ve had the opportunity to travel,
checking out the local library was always near the top of my to do list. 
I\’m delighted to see strong community support for the new, expanded library.

– \”Get
ready for some holiday reading;
library opening is
set.\” … \”Think of the new library as a 126,000-square-foot Christmas
present Eugene [Oregon] residents are giving themselves.\” … \”Something
library patrons won\’t see, but staff will likely appreciate, is a high-tech
conveyor that carries books from the library\’s three ATM-like drop boxes
to a sorting area. There, the conveyor will read electronic tags on the
books and sort them onto carts, relieving staff of countless hours of lifting
and hand-sorting thousands of volumes. Parts of the conveyor are already
in place.\”
-By Susan Palmer –