Elsevier hits back at journal cuts

Someone spotted This Information World Review Article on Elsevier. They have hit out at reports that its journals are being severely cut back by major US universities in this year’s round of subscription renewal negotiations.

At the University of California, feelings over Elsevier’s subscription levels have run so high that some senior staff have been calling for a boycott of the company.

San Francisco-based UC researchers Peter Walker and Keith Yamamoto are urging a boycott of six titles published by Elsevier’s Cell Press subsidiary.

A recent report by the Wellcome Trust, An Economic Analysis of Scientific Research Publishing, said: “Journal subscriptions are a significant financial burden on institutional libraries and individual researchers, and present a major obstacle to the timely and comprehensive sharing and use of scientific information.”

Meanwhile, News REED ELSEVIER fell to a nine-month low on concerns over an impending House of Commons investigation into the science publishing market and the increasing support for “open access� journals.