Dragonfire breathes life into Alaskan SRP

Charlotte Glover of the Ketchikan Public Library posted this Summer Reading Program success story to our state association list and allowed me to share it with the LISNews audience.

Ketchikan Public Library is using the same statewide Summer Reading Program theme I wrote about earlier.

We are having a hugely popular program, primarily because we shortened the title to “Dragon Quest 2005” and are focusing on books about Knights, dragons, King Arthur, etc. We still used all the theme stuff, but we did not emphasize it in the same way. Slightly more than 300 registered to date…with are all time high being 425 during the pulp mill era. The storytellers drew a crowd pushing 100 and the kids were spellbound. Every single child was engaged except one nine or ten year old girl who was obviously a summer jewelry store owner’s kid and wasn’t up to speed on my expectations! She learned by the end of the show:)

As Charlotte implies, the population of Ketchikan used to be higher. As recently as 2001, the City of Ketchikan had 8,455 people. The most recent AK Dept of Labor estimate (2004) puts the current population of Ketchikan was 7,691. So 300 registrations is still very successful!