Discussion on the demand for paper in our digital world. The need for certain paper has even risen. The author of the book On Paper: The Everything of Its Two-Thousand-Year History makes a few comments and a graph in the story shows that the demand for book paper is down over 30%.
Usage or *American* shipment?
Given the rest of the story (and, at least for me, the link that goes nowhere), I have to wonder whether that book-paper decline is for overall world usage or for shipments from *American* suppliers? I’d guess the latter, given the focus on Chinese advances in paper production.
I just tried the link and it went to the NPR story. Maybe someone else fixed it since you tried. If it continues to not work for you a search for this title should retrieve the piece – Don’t Write Off Paper Just Yet NPR (Add NPR to end of title)
I got to the NPR story…
Your link’s fine. It’s the link on the graph that doesn’t go anywhere, so I can’t verify what the graph is actually showing.
“on the graph”
in the NPR story, that is: not something you can fix.