Cortez writes “Or how do you get a Invisible Library card?“
An interesting concept, a collection of books that only appear in other books; but a bigger question would be is the Invisible Library affilated with the Unseen University?
My Great American
Novel? Which never was written would be there.
Cool! “Ghost” books JIT for Halloween.
Now I’ll have to find out if any of the books mentioned in the Harry Potter series are listed.
Channeling for the Unseen University librarian…Ook! Ook ook ook ook.
Heh. Terry Pratchett’s new book “Where’s My Cow” has a seal on it declaring it the Children’s Winner of the Ankh-Morpork Librarian’s Award. There’s a big OOK in the middle of the seal and a couple of bananas. It’s the first time I’ve read a book that made me start laughing even before I got it open.