Direct Marketing To Librarians?

I’ve been running LISHost for 3 years now, and what started out as a fun hobby has grown into a fun part time job. It’s never been a big money maker, and I’ve never done any advertising, but I’m considering doing some next year. Last year was the first year I made more than I spent, and it wouldn’t be a bad thing if that trend continued. Up till now, 100% of new folks have come via word of mouth. So maybe it’s time to try and grow this little business a bit more, so I’m thinking of buying a list and sending out some postcards.

Has anyone done any direct mail marketing using a list available from librarian specific lists? I’m curious what the response rate was. I’m assuming it’s rather low, but I’d love to hear from anyone with some experience in this area.

We’ve all been on the receiving end, I’m curious if you feel like you get too much junk mail. If a postcard from LISHost showed up in you mail box, would it bother you? Am I wrong to think about buying your name from someone you might not want selling it?

Update: 12/15 21:45 GMT by B :Note: This is about LISHost, not LISNews. LISHost is a web host I run over Here