Digital Imaging May Unseat Gutenberg

Research made possible by digital versions of the Library of Congress\’ copy of the Gutenberg Bible has raised questions about the true origins of movable type:

When people think about the printing revolution, one name comes to mind: Johannes Gutenberg. But what if Gutenberg didn\’t actually invent the revolutionary technique of mass-producing words as we know it today? Scholars will soon get a chance to examine in exquisite detail what is considered the first book printed with moveable type. A project is currently underway at the Library of Congress to digitize its copy of the Gutenberg Bible . . .

Digitization has already allowed scholars to question Gutenberg\’s work. Last year, a pair of scholars used digital imaging and computer analysis to come up with their own conclusions about Gutenberg\’s method. Princeton librarian Paul Needham and scholar Blaise Agüera y Arcas discovered discrepancies between individual letters in Gutenberg\’s work, casting doubts on his techniques . . .

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