Digg and LISNEWS

When you click on a LISNEWS story title you are taken to the story in a full page view. When you are one that page there is a icon that says “digg it”. Here is the Wikipedia entry about Digg. I think that LISNEWS readers should subscribe to Digg so that they can Digg LISNEWS stories. If a story gets around 50 Diggs it starts to draw attention from other people at the Digg site. If these people then Digg the story the votes will grow. I think this would be beneficial for LISNEWS and could draw some additional attention to the site.
Caveat: I am in no way suggesting rigging votes at Digg. You only vote for a story if you honestly like it. But if you don’t register you can’t vote. We have numerous interesting stories at LISNEWS. I think something that starts at LISNEWS could make it big on the Digg site.