Diary of a Stock Mistress

Here’s an excerpt from Claudia FitzHerbert’s dairy; she’s an Oxford (England) bookshop clerk (or should I say clark?)…

“I thought I could surprise both the boffins and the born-agains into buying their first novel for years by weaving the fiction in among the non-fiction. It seems to work well enough with the golden oldies. I sell a steady trickle of Gogol’s Dead Souls from its place next to a history of bubbles on the shelf called “Greed”, and it is the same with Borges, whose coded histories are surrounded by histories of codes on the shelf called “Puzzles”. But shifting paperback editions of established greats is not the challenge. The problem lies with new novels, especially – but not exclusively – new novels by young unknowns.”

Read more of her diary entry in the Telegraph .