Dem. Presidential Hopefuls Help Sink Reed Amendment

Daniel noted something about the ALAWON posting regarding the failure of the Reed amendment to increase funding for America’s libraries: "I highlight with considerable displeasure the facts that (1) Of the four NONVOTING members, three were Democratic Presidential Hopefuls: Edwards (D-NC); Graham (D-FL); Lieberman (D-CT). (2) Given the vote of Yeas 47, Neas 49 IF all three Senators had been present and voted yes, library funding could have been increased in a time of near total fiscal starvation.

"Just another example of how much better Democratic leaders benefit America than Republicans. Not that I’m a fan of most Republicans. I realize that there was a debate last night and I don’t know the exact time of the Senate vote, but couldn’t working Senators have appeared by video link while serving their country?"