DC Libraries Can Escape Insignificance

Anonymous Patron writes “A good followup to Sunday’s feature in the Washington Post on the D.C. Public Library system, from a Metro columnist.

In a city where children keep getting killed and more than half the teenagers who start ninth grade vanish from the student rolls by the end of high school, why should anyone care that the District’s public libraries are, with rare exceptions, dank pits with leaky roofs, outdated books and sullen staffers?

For starters, many biographies of great Americans include a scene in which our hero finds sanctuary and inspiration by using the local library to escape from unsavory friends, wayward parents or the ravages of an anti-intellectual pop culture.

continued at:

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/artic le/2005/08/01/AR2005080101586.html