Dallas Considers Outsourcing Library Services

Original Cyn writes “For more than 100 years, the City has operated the Dallas Library System. A recent proposal to privatize the library has caught the attention of supporters and the Dallas City Council.
Under the plan, Dallas could farm out the management, staff and operations for some or all of its 22 branches. The city would still own the books, assets and library structures.

The company being considered to manage the system is LSSI, a 22-year-old firm run by professional librarians. LSSI is known for stepping in to help troubled library systems. The company touts good service and a good return for tax dollars invested.

Original Cyn writes “For more than 100 years, the City has operated the Dallas Library System. A recent proposal to privatize the library has caught the attention of supporters and the Dallas City Council.
Under the plan, Dallas could farm out the management, staff and operations for some or all of its 22 branches. The city would still own the books, assets and library structures.

The company being considered to manage the system is LSSI, a 22-year-old firm run by professional librarians. LSSI is known for stepping in to help troubled library systems. The company touts good service and a good return for tax dollars invested.

Still, some on the council are skeptical. “My perspective is, the library system isn’t broken, it is working and working well, and I don’t see a need for radical change,” council member Lois Finkelman said.

Others want to consider the proposal. “Showing interest in using outside resources to help us do a better job for less taxpayer money is a sign of strength, not a sign something is broken,” council member Gary Griffith said.

Library supporters suggested that its unique character would be hard for LSSI to maintain. Librarians answer questions, help kids read, foster knowledge and perform other services hard to quantify. They questioned whether a company that values profit will feel the same about the community.

“They’re not here for charity, you know. If their focus is on making money, I’m not sure they can afford to give the kind of service we want,” said June Leftwich, chairwoman of the Dallas Library Board.

LSSI said its business is keeping libraries alive and thriving.

— Chris Heinbaugh / WFAA-TV
Wednesday, August 20, 2003″

We’ve run stories on LSSI before:

LSSI and paying the bills, Passaic NJ Looks to Outsource Operations to LSSI, and a Few More.