Contenders for the Crown: Six E-Libraries has what looks like An Interesting Report on what the call eLibraries.

\”E-libraries are poised to become an important component of the e-learning industry, particularly in the higher education market. A major impetus for the e-library industry\’s growth is its acceptance by publishers and other content providers. Virtually every major publisher – including Pearson, McGraw Hill, and Houghton Mifflin – has signed agreements to distribute works via e-libraries.

The six leading e-library firms profiled in the report are Questia, XanEdu, ebrary,, Jones e-global Library, and NetLibrary. Within the next year, e-library businesses will seek to prove the merits of their business models by gaining market acceptance. However, the long-term success factors for e-libraries will be content, channels to end-users, and connection to curriculum.\”

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