Cites & Insights special Mid-Fall 2005 issue available

Walt writes “A special Mid-Fall 2005 issue of Cites & Insights (5:13) is now available.

This 20-page issue consists of two Perspectives:

  • Life Trumps Blogging (pp. 1-4), which is most definitely a pro-blogging essay, but recognizes priorities.
  • Library Futures, Media Futures (pp. 4-20), which combines my comments on Blake Carver’s LISNews “Libraries and Librarians In A Digital Future: Where Do We Fit?” essay; excerpts and comments from and on “Jeremy, Dan, Luke, and Walt,” a conversation about the future; and some notes about other voices on media and library futures.

You can pick up either Perspective as an HTML separate from the C&I home page–but if you plan to print at all, the PDF is better.”