Children’s Books and the CPSIA – STANDBY – Situation “Fluid”

The Washington Office of ALA has a District Dispatch that was issued Jan 9, 2009 titled Children’s Books and the CPSIA – STANDBY – Situation “Fluid”

Excerpt: Within the last few days, ALA and others in the “book” community (other librarians, publishers, teachers, booksellers, etc.) became extremely concerned after seeing that the CPSC intended to include books in the definition of “products to children” that would need to be certified as safe. This concern was heightened by a letter from the General Counsel of the CPSC – a letter that states that books are not exempt from the law.

However, ALA has been in discussion with attorneys, other associations and the sponsors of the original bill. Our analysis is that neither the law nor the legislative history indicates any Congressional intention to include books and even textbooks in the law.