Censorship debate drags on in VA school system

From the Washington Times:

Destiny Burns wants her daughter, a ninth-grader at Fairfax County\’s Westfield High, to check out Ken Follett\’s \”The Pillars of the Earth\” — a book set in the Middle Ages — from the school\’s library for her history reading.

There is one problem, though. Last year, the school board restricted access to the book to students in grades 10 and higher because some parents complained about what they said were violent and obscene passages . . .

Parents are aligned on either side of the issue. At one end is Parents Against Bad Books in Schools (PABBIS), a group formed last year that wants certain books dropped from school reading lists and libraries. The group has a long list of such books on its Web site and even has challenged some, including \”Pillars of the Earth,\” under a formal process available to parents in the county . . .
