
Why some words may be more memorable than others: Our brains use internet search engine strategies to remember words and memories of past experiences — ScienceDaily

Why some words may be more memorable than others Our brains use internet search engine strategies to remember words and memories of past experiences From: Why some words may be more memorable than others: Our brains use internet search engine strategies to remember words and memories of past experiences — ScienceDaily

You Purged Racists From Your Website? Great, Now Get to Work | WIRED

Truth needs an advocate and it should come in the form of an enormous flock of librarians descending on Silicon Valley to create the internet we deserve, an information ecosystem that serves the people.The blessing and curse of social media is that it must remain open so we can reap the most benefits; but openness must be tempered with the strong and consistent curation and moderation that these librarians could provide, so that everyone’s voice is protected and amplified.


From: You Purged Racists From Your Website? Great, Now Get to Work | WIRED

Drone and Robot Book Delivery | | David Lee King

Getting books to customers is easy (well, easy if you don’t have global pandemic to deal with, anyway) – they visit the library or a bookmobile, and pick up their book. How about using drones or robots to deliver books?Well … both are being done right now.


From: Drone and Robot Book Delivery | | David Lee King

Librarians and the Power of Social Media | Book Riot

One thing that readily comes to my mind when thinking of how libraries have used social media: to spread humor, and by extension joy. Even typos can or other misconceptions can be shaped into a something that is positively viral. An example of this is the whole snake/snack confusion that the Pflugerville Library had when advertising their Anti-Prom.




Librarians and the Power of Social Media | Book Riot