LISTen: An Program — Episode #205

This week we talk about preparedness in light of a major part of the “public cloud” being taken offline by a meteorological event, proceed with a news miscellany, and have a curious statement from Madam Producer.

Direct Download Link: Ogg Vorbis Audio

To assist the air staff in covering costs after one member of the crew took not just a pay cut but also an hours cut at their day job, an Amazon list is established here where bulk food items can be purchased and sent to them. A particular newspaper also shows up on the list.

Related Links:
Reuters: Deadly storms leave millions without power in eastern U.S
WKYC: Ohio–State of Emergency, nearly million no power
The Ohio News Network: Federal Assistance Coming To Ohio
The Register: Amazon cloud knocked out by violent storms in Virginia — Mother Nature huffs and puffs a derecho
The PCMag Digital Network: Netflix, Instagram, Pinterest Restore Services Following Outage
Benjamin Kerensa: Reflecting on Netflix, Instagram, Pinterest Downtime
Voices for the Library: Public Lending Right and volunteer libraries
New York Times: Sweeping Effects as Broadband Moves to Meters
The PCMag Digital Network: Minitel R.I.P. (1982-2012)
France24: Nation bids ‘adieu’ to ‘French Internet’
code4lib: Tools for Reducing and Managing Link Rot in LibGuides
The PCMag Digital Network: Farewell Laptop? Mobile Internet Use Jumps
France24: Americans moving to mobile Internet: survey
Radio Survivor: Ira Glass says stations should junk recycled Car Talk
Michael Geist: UNESCO’s 2012 Paris OER Declaration
PDF of the UNESCO declaration on Open Educational Resources
The Register: Gouged by cloud – but it’s so convenient
Social Science Research Network: Does the Taxing Clause Give Congress Unlimited Power?

Creative Commons License

LISTen: An Program — Episode #205 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #204

This week’s episode presents a news miscellany. As to the fate of LISTen #203…we’ll address that another day. Please bear in mind that there has been a de-Google incident which has resulted in there no longer being FeedBurner feeds, delivery of the podcast via FeedBurner e-mail, or the Google Voice line previously mentioned. The podcast masthead has been updated to reflect the changes that occured on Friday.

Direct Download Link: Ogg Vorbis Audio

Related links:
WEWS: NewsChannel5 meteorologist Mark Johnson shows frustration for Miami Heat’s win during forecast
Kim Andrew Elliott: “Taking Canada’s voice off the world stage.”
Slate: We Don’t Need More Scientists—We Need Better Ones
PC World: Chinese Operators Hope to Standardize a Segmented Internet
IETF Network Working Group Draft: DNS Extension for Autonomous Internet(AIP)
Inside HigherEd: When University Presses Fail
PC World: Twitter Downplays Downtime
CBC News: Twitter user who taunted blogger must be ID’d: court
PCMag Digital Network: E-Book Borrowers Scarce at U.S. Libraries
Pew Internet and the American Life Project: Libraries, patrons, and e-books
INFODOCKET: Pew Internet Releases New Report: “Libraries, Patrons, and E-books”
O’REILLY radar: Publishing News: Penguin goes back to the library
The Register: FATTIES are DESTROYING THE WORLD, scream mad professors — Reiterate call for everyone to become Hobbits
AP News: Ohio candy thief targets mostly peanut butter cups

Creative Commons License

LISTen: An Program — Episode #204 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #202

This week’s episode contains a bit of a cross-cutting discussion about spectrum in the United States, the purported “spectrum crunch” in the United States, and why some of the domestic proposals on the table for solving such really do not mesh well with today’s planet-wide knowledge ecology. A news miscellany is also presented.

Direct Download: Ogg Vorbis Audio

Related Links:
Ars Technica: FBI halted one child porn inquiry because Tor got in the wayTechCrunch: Ethiopian Government Bans Skype, Google Talk And All Other VoIP Services
The Register: openSUSE 12.2 release delayed, team calls for a rethink
EFF: Internet Archive Sues to Stop New Washington State Law
PCMag Digital Network: Online Retailer Imposes ‘Internet Explorer 7 Tax’
Kim Andrew Elliott: In a contrarian move, HCJB is transmitting via shortwave from Germany to Europe.
The H Open: HTTP Error Status 451 proposed to show legal block
PCWorld: Reddit Bans Major Publications for Allegedly Spamming And/or Cheating
Reuters: U.S. probes cable TV barriers to Internet video
Reuters: Low-rated cable channels may live on YouTube
Reuters: More Cubans have local intranet, mobile phones
The Stewart Baker at The Volokh Conspiracy: UK bill hits both libel tourism and anonymous abuse

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #202 / Burning Circle Episode #74 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #201

This week’s episode brings not just an editorial about the Smith-Mundt Act & domestic dissemination of the Voice of America, economic chatter, but a news miscellany too. As discussed in the program, you can get a France24 app for your phone here. The linkdumps feed off the Erie Looking Productions blog is available here.

Direct Download Link: Ogg Vorbis Audio

Related links:
Orin Kerr Named Scholar in Residence at Law Library of Congress
PC World: EU Wants Blocking Agreement for Child Porn Websites
BBC News: Depression: Exercise advice questioned when added to standard treatments
PC World: IPv6 Launch: Amazon, eBay, Twitter Sit on Sidelines
Matt Asay at The Register: Big Data is now TOO BIG – and we’re drowning in toxic information
ABC News: Senator Asks DOJ to Investigate SWAT-ting Attacks on Conservative Bloggers
Marchant Stands for Free Speech and with Conservative Bloggers Under Attack
The Register: Vint Cerf–‘COMMUNISTS want to seize the INTERNET’
CBC News: Google flags censored search words to Chinese users

Creative Commons License

LISTen: An Program — Episode #201 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #200

This week’s episode provides a news miscellany and reminds us that the largest democracy by headcount is India.

Direct Download Link: Ogg Vorbis Audio

Related links:
PC World: As Facebook Service Goes, So Goes the Internet
The H Open: First Knoppix 7.0 update arrives
Glynn Moody points the way to TorrentFreak on Identica
TorrentFreak: Anti-Piracy Boss: TV Fans Are Unreasonable For Wanting Content Quicker
Joseph Reagle: “410 Gone”: Infocide in Open Content Communities Searching For Mark Pilgrim
TeleRead: Ebooks not popular in India
The Register: US reiterates resistance to ITU-Internet land grab — Lawmakers post the ‘no trespass’ signs
The Hill: Lawmakers introduce measure to fight UN regulation of the Net
Reuters: Congress to look at future of Internet control
Bloomberg: U.S. Employers Add 69,000 Jobs, Fewer Than Forecast
James Pethokoukis at The American Enterprise Institute: Miserable May jobs report suggests U.S. in recession red zone
The Erie Looking Productions Blog

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #200 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #199

This week’s episode is varied as it is released during a holiday weekend in the United States.

Direct Download: Ogg Vorbis Audio

Related links:
Bothersome Item #1
Bothersome Item #2
Bothersome Item #3
Bothersome Item #4
Bothersome Item #5
Dvorak on the Twitter book
Free Speech Radio News seeks further funding to bridge a shortfall
Google asked to yank a million search results per month

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #198

This week’s episode contains a telephone interview discussing the digital divide in John Lennon’s hometown of Liverpool and a news miscellany.

Direct Download: Ogg Vorbis Audio

Related links:
LISEvents: 4th QQML2012 International Conference
LISEvents: InPACT 2012 – International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends
LISEvents: eBUG Conference 2012
LISEvents: Crimea 2012
LISWire: Gale Digitizes Popular 20th Century Weekly For Students and Scholars
Dan Lynch
Seven Streets: Liverpool is getting left behind online
An Amazon List
The Star Beacon: Kingsville celebrates tradition while helping library
Reuters: Pakistan blocks Twitter access over “blasphemous content”
Agence France-Presse: Pakistan restores Twitter after block over Prophet cartoons
Voices For The Library: Reflections on the Arts Council Consultation Workshop
Stop the privitsation of Public Libraries
Ars Technica: WiFi’s future: faster, smarter, and fewer cables
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Hey ITU Member States: No More Secrecy, Release the Treaty Proposals
Electronic Frontier Foundation: EFF Joins Coalition Denouncing Secretive WCIT Planning Process
LISNews: Room for Debate: Threat or Salvation for Library?
New York Times: Seizing the Future or Renouncing Its Past? — Should the New York Public Library go forward with its plan to consolidate two branches into a renovated version of its main building?

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #198 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #197

This week’s episode talks about cookery. Yes, cookery. A news miscellany is also presented.

Direct Download Link: Ogg Vorbis Audio (Subscription Options)

Related links:
LISNews: Security4Lib – IT Security For Libraries
Ars Technica: What the airline industry can teach us about broadband caps
Ars Technica: Why bandwidth caps could be a threat to competition
CNN: Why one in five U.S. adults doesn’t use the Internet
Radio Survivor: As May 21 Anniversary Approaches, Family Radio Avoids End of World Talk
Wired: Be Very Afraid: The Cable-ization of Online Life Is Upon Us

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #197 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #196

This week’s episode of LISTen looks at Terms of Service in the social infrastructure operated by the private sector and contemplates consequences.

Direct Download Link: Ogg Vorbis Audio

Related link:
Paid Content: OWS protestor doesn’t own his tweets, judge rules
CBC News: Google Drive terms of service spark privacy concerns
Ars Technica: Google Drive files can end up in ads, even though you still own them
PC World: The Problem with Google Drive
VodkaPundit: Who Owns You? Google Owns You
FreedomBox Foundation

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #196 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #195

Delayed posting due to unforeseen technical problems

This week’s episode ends up indirectly asking whatever happened to AGRICOLA as another audio news release from the United States Department of Agriculture makes it sound like it is being left behind. A news miscellany is also presented.

Direct Download: Ogg Vorbis (Audio)

Related links:
LISNews: What If You Have A Digital Divide And Nobody Cared?
The Register: Berners-Lee–Net snoop law tosses human rights into the shredder
Ars Technica: Copy protection means some DirecTV subs will need new gear to watch HBO How do you search for something that’s NOT online, a fun and fascinating homework assignment
Huffington Post: Comcast, Colorado Springs Station KRDO, Mistakenly Broadcast Porn Instead Of Good Morning America

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #195 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.