CAP sites to be capped

slashgirl writes “The initial story: ‘Information leaked to the chairman of CAP Nova Scotia put Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library in overdrive Wednesday to try and save a popular Canada-wide program.

“CAP is going to be ‘sunsetted,’ ” said Eric Stackhouse, the region’s chief librarian, of the community Internet program.

Rumours that the federal government would cut the 11-year-old Community Access Program were confirmed for him when Industry Canada representatives cancelled a meeting Tuesday to discuss a program review. Industry Canada was supposed to review the program by the end of the month.’

Article is here:

In many areas, especially in rural NS, the C@P site is in the local branch library…and most of our branch libraries are small. I’m sure cutting the C@P funding will affect the Regional Libraries’ ability to fund computer access in the future. This will impact rural Nova Scotians the most. I know that I used to use it a lot — before we got internet at home; and I was even using it this past spring & summer, before we got HS internet at home, so I could d/l large files. I think it would be a shame for this program to be lost.

Two follow up articles:
and: Here