Canadian Author is Double Prize Winner

Richard B. Wright\’s novel Clara Callan has won big. Today the Canada Council announced that Clara Callan is the winner of the Governor General\’s Literary Award in the English fiction category. Earlier this month Clara Callan was awarded the Giller Prize.

Richard B. Wright\’s novel Clara Callan has won big. Today the Canada Council announced that Clara Callan is the winner of the Governor General\’s Literary Award in the English fiction category. Earlier this month Clara Callan was awarded the Giller Prize.

In diary and letter format, Clara Callan tells the story of an unmarried school teacher in small-town Ontario during the 1930s.

Other Governor General\’s Literary Award winners include Execution Poems by George Elliott Clarke (poetry), The Harps of God by Kent Stetson (drama), The Ingenuity Gap by Thomas Homer-Dixon (nonfiction), and Dust by Arthur Slade (children\’s literature – text).