Broward County to cut hours, close a branch

Anonymous Patron writes “The Sun-Sentinel reports that Broward (FL) county commissioners “asked staff to find times when libraries are little used and cut there. They also agreed to close a branch library on Sunrise Boulevard and return the building to the city of Fort Lauderdale.” The proposed cuts are part of an effort to cut $40 million from the county’s $3.1 billion budget.

And they’re pondering an estimated $3.6 million in trims that would come from curtailing hours at parks and libraries, a move that gave commissioners serious qualms. After debating it, they decided it should be based purely on the number of people using the facilities.

More information here:
Sun Sentinel” and at the Miami Herald. According to the submitter, the proposed cuts came as a complete surprise to rank and file staff who were first made aware of the situation by reading their morning newspaper.