Books for Children Who Have Never Had a Book

A wonderful program instituted by Anywhere Books (a US-based nonprofit dedicated to deploying mobile print on demand solutions for developing countries) and supported by the World Bank has outfitted a special bookmobile to travel around the countryside of Uganda, where the children can board, choose a title (out of a databank of 20,000), and get to print and bind their very own copy of a book to keep. Ordinarily, there is one textbook for every six kids in Uganda, and most of the lessons consists of drill and repeat.

The bookmobile traveled three days per week from Kampala to the Buikwe region in southern Uganda and regularly visited several of the 25 schools in the area. Librarians worked with the kids to print their own books. Popular titles included Sleeping Beauty, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Rabbit and stories from the Bible.

Rochelle recently reported on a similar program in India.

Uganda story from Wired News