Blog for the One Person Library

If you work in a one-person (or so) library, you might be interested in OPL Plus, a blog written by librarian and author Judith A. Siess. Ms. Siess is the author of the OPL Sourcebook: A Guide for Solo and Small Libraries (Information Today, 2001) and several other books.

OPL Plus bills itself as a “blog for librarians in all smaller libraries, not just for one-person or solo librarians–all kinds of libraries, anywhere in the world. Management information, links, and marketing tips that you can use right now.”

The blog is library-focused yet eclectic and might be a good resource for a harried solo librarian only able to monitor LISNews and one or two other feeds.

Full Disclosure: OPL Plus featured my blog in September, but I would have recommended this resource anyway.