Berman is the 2003 Stone Lecturer at his Alma Mater

Madeline Douglass sent over this announcement.

\” The Alumni Association of the CUA (Catholic University of America) School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) is pleased to announce the 2003 Stone Lecture. Sanford Berman will present \”Not in My Library: Issues of Workplace Speech and Governance.\” Berman has written extensively and especially on increasing access to libraries via attention to subject cataloguing and collection development. The program will be held on April 15th at 7:00 P.M. at the Life Cycle Institute auditorium on the CUA campus. Refreshments will be served in the lobby after the program.

Steve Fesenmaier passed along This Poster as well.

Madeline Douglass sent over this announcement.

\” The Alumni Association of the CUA (Catholic University of America) School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) is pleased to announce the 2003 Stone Lecture. Sanford Berman will present \”Not in My Library: Issues of Workplace Speech and Governance.\” Berman has written extensively and especially on increasing access to libraries via attention to subject cataloguing and collection development. The program will be held on April 15th at 7:00 P.M. at the Life Cycle Institute auditorium on the CUA campus. Refreshments will be served in the lobby after the program.

Steve Fesenmaier passed along This Poster as well.The Stone Lecture has traditionally been a time to raise funds for the Elizabeth W. Stone Loan Fund, which provides loans to SLIS students who unexpectedly find themselves in financial straits. If you would like to make a contribution to this fund, please make the check payable to SLIS at CUA and indicate that it\’s for the Stone Loan Fund.

All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Pong Riguera at Riguera at or call (202) 319-5085. \”