Behind the doors at a sex how-to publishing house

The San Francisco Chronicle recently featured an article about a local publisher of sex how-to books on spending the past twelve years as a sort of leather-friendly Hints from Heloise.

(It\’s not only a fascinating look at the world of independent publishing, where you\’re not likely to end up in the reviews in Library Journal. It\’s also a chance for me to congratulate my friends (full disclosure, eh) at Greenery Press on \”building better perverts\” for so many years.)

I can personally vouch for Big Big Love, which corrects many of the fat-phobic myths perpetrated by The Joy of Sex. If you\’ve got the latter but not the former, your collection could stand to be more fat-friendly.

This is just one of the many indie publishers whose names aren\’t as well-known as the big guys\’. Why not add a comment to this article to mention your favorite underappreciated publishing house?