Battling Over Records of Bush’s Governorship

From the New York Times (registration required):

The stacks of the Texas State Library and Archives groan with boxes of carefully preserved papers dating back to James Pinckney Henderson, the first governor, who served from 1846 to 1847. But anyone trawling for insights into the most recent former governor, George W. Bush, or say, his ties to Enron in the years he ran Texas, would have to travel 118 miles east to College Station. Even then, it might be months, maybe even years, before many of the records are available. The papers . . . are at the center of a tug of war between Mr. Bush and the director of the Texas state archives. By placing them at his father\’s presidential library at Texas A&M University, Mr. Bush is putting them in the hands of a federal institution that is not ordinarily bound by the state\’s tough Public Information Act . . .

\”Who needs a shredder when you have Daddy\’s presidential library?\” said James Newcomb, an official with the Better Government Association in Chicago, which relies heavily on freedom-of-information requests . . .
