Bad B.O. now a no-no at county libraries

Anonymous Patron sends “this from the San Luis Obispo Tribune. Librarians at San Luis Obispo County library now have an ordinance that llows them to ask patrons with extreme body odor to leave.

That, of course, doesn’t mean librarians will police the stacks of books, said library director Brian Reynolds.

Instead, he said librarians will act with common sense and ask people to leave only if they’re ruining the library experience of others. “If you and I are sitting in a reasonable distance from each other — 3 to 5 feet in our society, and you’ve done something that’s so bad I can’t stand to talk to you, then that becomes an issue,” Reynolds said, noting that some people have smelled so bad that they’ve ruined furniture.”

The law does not cover extreme use of fragrances, which can cause health problems for other users.