Here’s a “Friday Time Killer” for a Monday: a perfume inspired by an “English novel” with “Russian & Moroccan leather bindings, worn cloth and a hint of wood polish.”
New OCLC report on social networking
OCLC just released a report called Sharing, Privacy and Trust in Our Networked World, which addresses social networking and what role libraries may play in this area. Based on their other excellent reports, I’m sure it will present fascinating research.
Young Librarians Talk About the Future
From the Chronicle of Higher Education–an article called “Young Librarians, Talkin’ Bout Their Generation” that features interviews with eight youngish librarians re: the future of libraries.
Transcript of JK Rowling’s Full Revelations from Carnegie Hall
From The Leaky Cauldron: a full transcript draft of JK Rowling’s Q & A session from Carnegie Hall. You’ll learn about Dumbledore’s romantic past, Hagrid’s 22 or no children, an alternative Weasley family without Arthur, and much more.
J.K. Rowling outs Dumbledore
J.K. Rowling officially revealed that Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School (famous student: Harry Potter) was “smitten with rival Gellert Grindelwald, whom he defeated long ago in a battle between good and bad wizards.”
Full story from the New York Times here.
Stop the Cliches!
Tom Payne from the UK’s Telegraph writes about cliches in book reviewing. His article is an “searingly honest” “tour de force” with “penetrating insights”….
Do you accept the redundancy of today’s book reviews “warts and all” or do you find them “woefully inadequate”?
(Thanks to Read Roger for pointing out this article.)
Farewell, Mr. Alexander
Lloyd Alexander, author of The Pyrdain Chronicles the Vesper Holly adventures, died this morning. Read his obituary at Horn Book Magazine.
Editor’s Thoughts on the Dangers of Success
Andy LePeau, editorial director of Christian publisher InterVarsity Press, muses on the dangers of success in publishing.
He comments that “a bestseller can distort the vision and purpose of a publisher,” “runaway growth can lead to bankruptcy,” publishers can act like a bestseller will last forever, and that a bestseller can give you the false belief you know what you’re doing….
What the Heck is RSS?
Do you have three minutes to learn about these three letters: RSS? Watch the Common Craft Show and let Lee LeFever explain the concept of updates from your favorite websites coming to you. He does it with a delightful mix of low- and hi-tech (i.e. paper and online video) tools.
Blogging Etiquette
Tim O’Reilly has posted a draft Blogger’s Code of Conduct on the O’Reilly Radar.
What do you think…is it a waste of time–or about time?
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