
Copyright Battle Looms for Doctors Who ‘Grew Up Google’

In most cases, unless a medical professional or researcher works for an organization that can afford subscriptions to medical journals, much research remains beyond their reach. There are thousands of different journals, and access to just the most well-regarded can run thousands of dollars a year.

Now, with Washington rushing to transform health care, a debate often limited to hospital wards, medical schools and Internet forums is pushing to the fore. It’s a debate deeply rooted in beliefs about access to information — medical research. Increasingly, a generational gap is emerging.
[Story @ AB News]

Search Google from January 2001

The blog for Mental Floss magazine reports that Google has posted a version of itself as it appeared in January 2001 (the earliest available index). They say, “Searches for today’s staple websites like Flickr, Twitter, and Digg turn up lots of interesting results, but of course the services themselves didn’t exist yet…Go search for yourself and see how things have changed in seven years. Note that the index will only be available for one month, so get it while it’s, uh, hot and very stale?”

Results Released on Book Reviewing Survey

Critical Mass, a blog for the National Book Critics Circle, reports on the results of a recent NBCC survey on the ethics of book reviewing. A similar survey was done in 1987, and both are linked to in the article. A few highlights:

“68.5 percent of book reviewers think anyone mentioned in a book’s acknowledgements should be barred from reviewing it.

64.9 percent think anyone who has written an unpaid blurb for a book should also be banned from writing a fuller review.

60.5 percent think it’s okay for a newspaper book section or magazine to ignore self-published books that authors submit to them, e.g., iUniverse type books.”