
When Babies Read

January Magazine has a round-up of several books for babies.

"We already know that kids who grow up surrounded by reading material are more likely to develop a taste for books as entertainment than ones that aren’t. All that needs to be decided, then, are what books to surround them with."

Are we doomed yet?

Sheldon Pacotti makes the case in Salon that a completely open society, rather than a government crackdown, may be the best chance for surviving terrorism by means of nanobots, engineered biological viruses, or other self-replicating technology.

"What happens, in a police bureaucracy, if someone releases a nanotech plague into the environment? If the police can suppress information on the structure of the nanobots, then only a handful of government bureaus and hand-picked researchers may be allowed to work on a cure. Millions could die waiting for the bureaucracy to solve the problem. On the other hand, if the molecular structure of the pest is published worldwide, anyone with the expertise could help design defensive technology."

EBSCO in talks to buy RoweCom

This Chicago Tribune article (free registration may be required) says that EBSCO is close to reaching a deal to buy RoweCom (formerly Faxon). The publishers that RoweCom didn\’t pay with the money libraries paid to RoweCom are apparently in separate discussions with EBSCO regarding this deal. Swets Blackwell pulled out of its talks to buy RoweCom, citing liability issues.

Government brief in CIPA case

Of interest to all you United States v. ALA junkies out there, the government filed its brief on the merits with the Supreme Court a couple weeks ago. The Office of the Solicitor General finally got around to putting it on the Web, along with a few appendices.

I\’ve only glanced at the brief, but it looks like the government is relying a lot on the old "filtering is like book selection" argument.

[Update By Blake, @ 4pm] Jim Faith passed along a bunch more Amicus briefs online:

Brief written by Ken Bass (who defended the Loudoun County Library in 1998) on behalf of public libraries.

Brief written by Kristina Bullock, Bruce Taylor, and Jan LaRue and on behalf of pro-family groups.

Brief written by the ACLJ on behalf of members of Congress.

Brief written by the Liberty Legal Institute, on behalf of mayors and cities