ASERL Offers Free “Ask-A-Librarian” Posters

Free graphics files are available for printing 4-color posters that read, “When your deadline is near and you need help finding something, ask a librarian–go to your library’s website.” Visit to download your choice of 3 posters. The Assn. of Southeastern Research Libraries created the posters to promote their own new v-Ref service.

Free graphics files are available for printing 4-color posters that read, “When your deadline is near and you need help finding something, ask a librarian–go to your library’s website.” Visit to download your choice of 3 posters. The Assn. of Southeastern Research Libraries created the posters to promote their own new v-Ref service.According to John Burger of ASERL, “We think the message is general enough to be useful to other libraries offering v-ref services and wanted to make them available to anyone who could use them. … If you do opt to use them I would appreciate it if you could drop me a line about how you used them just so I can know if this kind of thing is valuable for the future.”