Archivists hope to catalog UC’s entire library online

Archivists hope to catalog UC’s entire library online: About a dozen twentysomethings are creating the library of the future in a small room attached to a colossal University of California book warehouse.
Sitting under black tents that keep out extraneous light, employees of San Francisco-based Internet Archive photograph page after page of books borrowed from the university’s libraries. Nearly all the employees listen to music on headphones to help them through the tedious task in a room as quiet as a library.

“We kind of think of it as a 21st-century Industrial Revolution type of job,” said Scott Miller, operations manager for UC’s Northern Regional Library Facility.

Funded by a coalition of groups that includes universities and companies such as Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo, the project is one of two mass-digitization endeavors UC has joined. The other is the Google Library Project, likely the planet’s largest such undertaking.