Anonymous Online Posts NOT Illegal

Seth Finkelstein writes “Regarding fears about anonymous online posts, see
A Skeptical Look at “Create an E-annoyance, Go to Jail” – lawyer Orin Kerr states “Declan McCullagh has penned a column that is custom-designed to race around the blogosphere. …

This is just the perfect blogosphere story, isn’t it? It combines threats to bloggers with government incompetence and Big Brother, all wrapped up and tied together with a little bow. Unsurprisingly, a lot of bloggers are taking the bait.

Skeptical readers will be shocked, shocked to know that the truth is quite different.”.

See also
rebuttal by Daniel Solove
(“Declan’s article is misleading”) and
by Ann Bartow
(“I may be missing something, but I don’t think
either e-mail or web logs would be [covered …]”)”