Bookslut is running An Interview with Jessamyn West.
“It sounds like the most innocuous site on the web right? Perhaps snatched up by one of the big library supply companies to farm out their products? Not by a long-shot. is run by Jessamyn West, a librarian and library advocate who uses the site to connect library professionals to information all over the internet. West has chronicled issues ranging from the construction of prohibitive library edifices (big beautiful buildings) to the USA Patriot act.”
Where the best librarians fail.
Activist librarians like Jessamyn West are needed in our cities’ public libraries.
They have not attended enough to the difficulties that library workers including librarians face in the municipal, county and state bureaucracy. Civic information at our cities’ public libraries should be acquisitioned and accessioned that there might be greater participation in our democracy. Too many cities’ public libraries do not perform their informational mission when it involves our cities’ very own public archival records. Boston Public Library departments are a good example of a bad example in this regard.
See also