An Apology

I want to apologize for accidentally posting last week’s episode again for folks to get. I have now posted the correct episode that I recorded with Blake. I was afraid something like this would happen but am grateful that it happened around the twentieth episode instead of earlier.

Downloads and plays at this point should have the new episode in play. If you are wondering why the episode bounced back up on the front page, such was part of trying to get iTunes to see that as an episode revision so that iTunes users would get a re-post with the correct episode. Unfortunately it did not work. Users of iTunes will have to manually download the episode to hear it or would have to engage in the kludge of unsubscribing then re-subscribing to the feed.

How can this be avoided in the future? Well, financial support to the podcast might help to an extent. The past two weeks have been fairly rough with an odd situation at my “day job”. At a cost of USD$1,500 per month the podcast could become my day job and this would be my only concern. Such would also free me up to have more flexibility in trying to land interviews and not have to worry about what craziness might erupt at my day job. You can find out how to donate at as well as learn how you can buy ad time to promote either you or your product.

For now, enjoy the newly posted episode. Feel free to leave comments or feedback. Follow the contact details at if you want to try co-hosting the podcast with me via Skype.