Amazon to Allow Library Lending of Kindle Books (Updated)

New program will integrate with all existing ebook catalogs offered through OverDrive

Library patrons across the United States will soon be able to borrow ebooks from over 11,000 libraries using Amazon’s Kindle reading device.

Long a missing link in the library lending chain, Amazon’s announcement today that it will offer, sometime later this year, Kindle library lending is likely to create a flood of demand, since many patrons have long been puzzled and librarians irritated by the inability to use the market-leading device to access library books.

(UPDATE) “It is going to be a seamless experience, that’s all I can say at this point,” Burleigh said in a subsequent interview. “As we develp the process we will give demos but that won’t be for a while, but every ebook in the library’s collection will be deliverable in the Kindle format [AZW] so libraries won’t need to add a new format. ..These are Kindle ebooks and they are in the Kindle format that will be delivered directly to the Kindle reading device or the app,” he said.

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