ALA tracks hurricane area libraries

egy writes “American Libraries is tracking information on damaged libraries in the areas damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

Information is still sketchy, but they are posting all information here

Here’s one of the stories:
Houston (Tex.) Chronicle, August 31:

Craig Nocaise, 21, a police officer, waited out the storm inside the Pass Christian (Miss.) Public Library, a branch of the Harrison County Library System, with 12 other town police. They noticed about a dozen of their police cars circling the building on a current of water. Then one crashed through the front door. Water poured in and rose quickly. When the back glass door wouldn’t open, the officers pulled their guns and fired at least 50 rounds into it before it shattered. They each then grabbed a cable line and climbed onto the roof, where they spent the next three hours in 130-mile-an-hour winds. “We lost every patrol car,� said Nocaise. “We still haven’t found some. They’re probably in the Gulf somewhere.� Asked more about the experience in the library, Nocaise choked up and walked away.

The ALA also posted a press release

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