ALA Teams With Heritage Emergency National Task Force

Lee Hadden writes: “The American Library Association is working with other members of the Heritage
Emergency National Task Force, which includes the Library of Congress, the Institute
for Museum and Library Services and various cultural organizations, to coordinate with
efforts of the IFLA and UNESCO to respond to requests for assistance from colleagues
in Iraq to help restore the National Library and Archive, Iraq’s principal Islamic
library, and other important centers of learning in the cradle of civilization.ALA
will be requesting funds from USAID for reconstruction in Iraq to be allocated for the
reestablishment of the National Library and Archives, and other cultural institutions.
ALA is gathering names of experts knowledgeable on Iraqi libraries, Middle Eastern
collections, preservation, rare books and manuscripts, and others who can assist in
assessment, restoration, and rebuilding efforts. This site will provide you an update
on efforts. At this early stage the coordination efforts are just beginning

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