ACLU Challenges Hawaii’s Squatters Law

Fang-Face writes The ACLU is challenging Act 50, Hawaii’s squatter law, because it was used to banish a homosexual from the library.
Honolulu Adviser has the story at their site, and the
ACLU’s take on the case is here at their site. There’s an AP article about this affair is at the Star Bulletin.

Why was was this [edited–see below] [person] banned from the library? For looking at “evil porn”? Maybe. If you define pornography as “men with their shirts off”.

update 9/13 by rh: The story, which I posted, has been edited after the fact, after reflecting on comments submitted by Bibliofuture (and noticing that I missed typos). I have no excuse, besides careless reading and thoughtlessness. I fully expect to be hauled in front of LISNews court as a censor, now.